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"Verily, verily, I say to you, except you turn about and become 
more like this child, you will make little progress in the kingdom 
of heaven



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Institute of Ambassador Mentoring


Last Updated: Saturday March 03, 2007







The Universal Family

Worlds of Space

Pilgrims of Time

Eternal Progression



Midwayers and ET's Making Contact


There is more going on in the affairs of this world than meets the outward-looking eye of our masses. One is that the Crop Circle formations (the ones not being formed by hired hands of disinformation advocates) now being imprinted in farmers fields throughout the world are a material manifestation of the two parables below and are pointing to the help we are presently receiving from our unseen human cousins the Secondary Planetary Midway Creatures who having  presented a treasure hidden in a field, which a man discovered; are now the united mortal ministers of our world with permission from their immediate planetary supervisors to draw closer to their human cousins. These are the same beings who freed Peter the apostle of Christ from imprisonment and a sure and untimely death. They are at liberty to act only when the planetary destiny of the world would be lost because of the untimely death or disruption of the work of sincere seekers after truth, and servers of the Divine Plans for this world. These are also the invisible beings and helping hands who physically moved the stone from the tomb of Christ, frightening the Roman and Jewish guards to the point they abandoned their responsibilities to guard the tomb and fled in a panic when the stone moved away seemingly with the help of invisible hands. The material bodies of the midwayers are just outside the human range of vision. Those who's spiritual eyes are open can see even those things which are invisible.

Two Parables

"The kingdom of heaven is also like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man discovered. In his joy he went forth to sell all he had that he might have the money to buy the field."

"The kingdom of heaven is also like a merchant seeking goodly pearls; and having found one pearl of great price, he went out and sold everything he possessed that he might be able to buy the extraordinary pearl."

About the Parable method of Teaching

  151:3.5 3. In teaching the apostles the value of parables, Jesus called attention to the following points:

151:3.6 The parable provides for a simultaneous appeal to vastly different levels of mind and spirit. The parable stimulates the imagination, challenges the discrimination, and provokes critical thinking; it promotes sympathy without arousing antagonism.

151:3.7 The parable proceeds from the things which are known to the discernment of the unknown. The parable utilizes the material and natural as a means of introducing the spiritual and the supermaterial.

151:3.8 Parables favor the making of impartial moral decisions. The parable evades much prejudice and puts new truth gracefully into the mind and does all this with the arousal of a minimum of the self-defense of personal resentment.

151:3.9 To reject the truth contained in parabolical analogy requires conscious intellectual action which is directly in contempt of one's honest judgment and fair decision. The parable conduces to the forcing of thought through the sense of hearing.

151:3.10 The use of the parable form of teaching enables the teacher to present new and even startling truths while at the same time he largely avoids all controversy and outward clashing with tradition and established authority.

151:3.11 The parable also possesses the advantage of stimulating the memory of the truth taught when the same familiar scenes are subsequently encountered. 

  157:6.12 "And now can your faith comprehend the truth of these declarations in the face of my warning you that the Son of Man will not meet the expectations of your fathers as they conceived the Messiah? My kingdom is not of this world. Can you believe the truth about me in the face of the fact that, though the foxes have holes and the birds of heaven have nests, I have not where to lay my head?"


  157:6.13 "Nevertheless, I tell you that the Father and I are one. He who has seen me has seen the Father. My Father is working with me in all these things, and he will never leave me alone in my mission, even as I will never forsake you when you presently go forth to proclaim this gospel throughout the world.


In this way Jesus sought to acquaint his followers with many of the reasons underlying his practice of increasingly using parables in his public teaching. 

This description below from our epochal revelation explains the energy protocols used to create a greater awareness of not only their presence here among us on earth but also the planetary work of their assignment. Let us not forget the greater work of these human cousins is the Life and Teachings of Jesus.

The Life and Teachings

The following is the method they employ to create the Crop Circles allowing the angelic orders who have custody of the world's combined mid-mind development to directly communicate with men.

38:9.9 The gap between the material and spiritual worlds is perfectly bridged by the serial association of mortal man, secondary midwayer, primary midwayer, morontia cherubim, mid-phase cherubim, and seraphim. In the personal experience of an individual mortal these diverse levels are undoubtedly more or less unified and made personally meaningful by the unobserved and mysterious operations of the divine Thought Adjuster.

The method they use to organize force energy from cosmic mind to physical expression as demonstrated in the Crop Circle formations is explained in the association of our unseen helpers as follows. These writings are in reality the
Greater Works of these Circle Makers.

38:9.6 Primary midwayers are energized intellectually and spiritually by the angelic technique and are uniform in intellectual status. The seven adjutant mind-spirits make no contact with them; and only the sixth and the seventh, the spirit of worship and the spirit of wisdom, are able to minister to the secondary group.

38:9.7 Secondary midwayers are physically energized by the Adamic technique, spiritually encircuited by the seraphic, and intellectually endowed with the morontia transition type of mind. They are divided into four physical types, seven orders spiritually, and twelve levels of intellectual response to the joint ministry of the last two adjutant spirits and the morontia mind. These diversities determine their differential of activity and of planetary assignment.

38:9.8 Primary midwayers resemble angels more than mortals;
the secondary orders are much more like human beings. Each renders invaluable assistance to the other in the execution of their manifold planetary assignments. The primary ministers can achieve liaison co-operation with both morontia- and spirit-energy controllers and mind circuiters. The secondary group can establish working connections only with the physical controllers and the material-circuit manipulators. But since each order of midwayer can establish perfect synchrony of contact with the other, either group is thereby able to achieve practical utilization of the entire energy gamut extending from the gross physical power of the material worlds up through the transition phases of universe energies to the higher spirit-reality forces of the celestial realms.

The Crop Circle phenomena show their intimate knowledge of our past history our symbolic languages, our religious strivings and evolution as well as an intimate knowledge of our cultures and races throughout the past 37,000 year history of mankind. They can and do form the living link between men and the higher orders of celestial intelligences assigned the watchcare of this world. Presently there are 1700 men and women living in the world today that are being trained in the deep subconscious and superconscious realms of the human mind, (the mid-mind or human soul) by these unseen friends and planetary servers. Over 5,000 others are being prepared to receive this deep subconscious training. The Divine Plan is to train 144,000 human minds to communicate with our immediate Planetary Spiritual Supervisors.

Explained in this Work

Those men and women who are receiving this mind training are the Reserve Corps of the Destiny Guardians of this world and many are in high political offices around the world, as well as all other realms of the human organization of our planetary destiny. Some are conscious of this activity in the superconscious realm of the human mind and others are not. All are God Seeking and Servers of the Divine Plan. Crop Circle formations indicate a change in the spiritual dispensation of our world and indicate a new age of mankind These creatures who are our  human cousins now have authority to make themselves better known to mankind, even as the spacecraft visible in our sky's indicate the authority of other worlds of space to invite earth into the Galactic Federation of Light Forces, and to achieve contact with living associates and representatives from this world.


They are all Loyal to the Master and Planetary Prince of this world as they witnessed the life of Jesus and strive to attain the mind of Christ. The scrolling text below is an introduction made by the Midway Creatures to this greater planetary work.

121:8.12---- Acknowledgment:--- In carrying out my commission to restate the teachings and retell the doings of Jesus of Nazareth, I have drawn freely upon all sources of record and planetary information. My ruling motive has been to prepare a record which will not only be enlightening to the generation of men now living, but which may also be helpful to all future generations. From the vast store of information made available to me, I have chosen that which is best suited to the accomplishment of this purpose. As far as possible I have derived my information from purely human sources. Only when such sources failed, have I resorted to those records which are superhuman. When ideas and concepts of Jesus' life and teachings have been acceptably expressed by a human mind, I invariably gave preference to such apparently human thought patterns. Although I have sought to adjust the verbal expression the better to conform to our concept of the real meaning and the true import of the Master's life and teachings, as far as possible, I have adhered to the actual human concept and thought pattern in all my narratives. I well know that those concepts which have had origin in the human mind will prove more acceptable and helpful to all other human minds. When unable to find the necessary concepts in the human records or in human expressions, I have next resorted to the memory resources of my own order of earth creatures, the midwayers. And when that secondary source of information proved inadequate, I have unhesitatingly resorted to the superplanetary sources of information.------121:8.13----- The memoranda which I have collected, and from which I have prepared this narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus -- aside from the memory of the record of the Apostle Andrew ------ embrace thought gems and superior concepts of Jesus' teachings assembled from more than two thousand human beings who have lived on earth from the days of Jesus down to the time of the inditing of these revelations, more correctly restatements. The revelatory permission has been utilized only when the human record and human concepts failed to supply an adequate thought pattern. My revelatory commission forbade me to resort to extrahuman sources of either information or expression until such a time as I could testify that I had failed in my efforts to find the required conceptual expression in purely human sources.-------121:8.14--- While I, with the collaboration of my eleven associate fellow midwayers and under the supervision of the Melchizedek of record, have portrayed this narrative in accordance with my concept of its effective arrangement and in response to my choice of immediate expression, nevertheless, the majority of the ideas and even some of the effective expressions which I have thus utilized had their origin in the minds of the men of many races who have lived on earth during the intervening generations, right on down to those who are still alive at the time of this undertaking. In many ways I have served more as a collector and editor than as an original narrator. I have unhesitatingly appropriated those ideas and concepts, preferably human, which would enable me to create the most effective portraiture of Jesus' life, and which would qualify me to restate his matchless teachings in the most strikingly helpful and universally uplifting phraseology. In behalf of the Brotherhood of the United Midwayers of Urantia, I most gratefully acknowledge our indebtedness to all sources of record and concept which have been hereinafter utilized in the further elaboration of our restatement of Jesus' life on earth.























































The ‘Love and Gratitude’ formation

This season I have been putting out the intention and hoping for a formation that would reflect the amazing work of Masaru Emoto, to draw attention to his ground breaking discoveries. Masaru Emoto, creative and visionary Japanese researcher, has published an important book, "The Message from Water."…proving that our thoughts affect everything in, and around us. We are provided with photographic evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water. His work appears in the new film ‘What the Bleep do we know?’ 

The beautiful formation I saw today seems to answer my prayer. Avebury Henge, 24th july. The very same day as his ‘Ceremony to Send Love and Thanks to the World's Water’ http://www.thank-water.net/english/index.html (funnily enough Masaru Emoto’s ‘LOVE AND PEACE TO WATER DAY’ is also on 25th July ‘The purpose of this Project is just to dedicate our sincere Love and Thanks together to all the water on this planet. Water is the most ordinary matter on this planet, but at the same time it is multidimensional and connected deeply with our own consciousness. By sending our Love and Thanks to water, we believe that we can not only purify the water on this planet but also raise our own collective consciousness towards the peace of world.’ 

The new formation echoes the geometry of a water molecule from a bottle of water that has had the words ‘love and gratitude’ written on it! See my photoshop remix.

with bit more research I found that Emoto has placed water on a photo of a crop circle (Beckhampton, 28th July 1999) and the resultant water molecule image reflects the formation perfectly. Muy mysteriouso!

some of the water molecule images can be seen at
Masaru Emoto’s site is http://hado.net/
May we send out Love and Gratitude to the water in and around us and transform
our reality. Love Carl Youri   U.R.I   http://www.carlsullivan.com/

Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike


And now for some even greater and factual information of the Wisdom of the Divine Plan to bring into existence on this world these invisible mid mind soul cousins to the human family. For 37,000 years their minds have been growing in the fields of Scientific - Philosophical and Religious strivings. The following is a presentation of the new role they are entering into in Service to our Master Creator Son and Planetary Prince of this world.


The Sign of a New Spiritual Dispensation to this World!



Blue Prints of the Sons of God?



Depictions & Explanations Of Crop Formations
In relation To Microwaves

By Tom Sutter

Microwaves are created within a device we call a magnetron. Don't let that complicated sounding name intimidate you. A magnetron is a simple, straightforward device. It forces electrons to go from a negative terminal to a positive terminal whilst passing through a magnetic field. When electrons encounter magnetic line of force, they rotate (spin) around that line of force before proceeding toward the positive terminal that they are traveling to. That electron/magnetic interaction results in the creation of microwave energies.

NO W... WHY would advanced societies bother to show us how a magnetron works? I mean, of all the many wondrous things to disclose to us, why do you think they would pick a 'thing' that we already know about? I'll tell you why. It is because of an overlooked-by-us usage of microwave energies. At a specific frequency at about 27 GHZ - Microwaves 'shake-up' a water molecule to the point where that molecule splits into its constituent parts. Namely, hydrogen and oxygen.

Whereupon, at that high rate of agitation, they promptly rejoin once again to form the water molecule that was just split. And guess what? - the process repeats! Because the 3.3 volts of electrical energy emitted when the hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine is raised via the incorporation of a circuitry consisting of huge capacitors and diodes and then fed back into the magnetron's central mesh of high temperature, non magnetic, insulated wires, where the hydrogen/oxygen are combining/splitting.

Bluntly, they are telling us that our primary means of creating needed energies namely oil, ain't quite the way :-)

Scroll down for link to index of pages.

For photos of Tom Sutter's Inventions, plans, patents and more, click the link below. Be advised my documents contain large jpg's

Click Here For Much More Information


If you have questions, E-mail Mr. Sutter, not me, at the following address tjsutter@frontiernet.net


Colin Andrews is an electrical engineer and former senior officer with local government in West Hampshire, England. He is founder of Circles Phenomenon Research, an international organization dedicated to the investigation of the crop formations. His 1989 international best-selling book Circular Evidence, co-authored with Pat Delgado, brought widespread attention to the phenomenon, and has been translated into Japanese, German, Spanish, and Italian. A more recent book, The Latest Evidence, was published in 1990 (see Share International July/August 1991). Monte Leach interviewed him.

Share International: What is the latest update on the crop circle phenomenon?

Colin Andrews: We have been showing evidence, arrived at by a German distillation process at HSC laboratory, at Stroud in Gloucestershire, that there had been a change in the crystalline structure of the [crop circle] plants. This is an unconventional process that’s worried a lot of scientists, who were concerned that we were travelling up the wrong road in our research. I disagreed, and continue to disagree. But because it was an unconventional approach, we had to find a laboratory prepared and equipped to undertake more conventional analytical processes.

Dr W.C. Levengood, a biophysicist and plant expert in Michigan, took up the challenge. He already has secured two major discoveries. One is that the cells at the nodal point, the point at which the plants bend, about a half to one inch above ground level, have fractured and scarred. That cannot occur by the trampling of feet, or whirlwinds, or the other processes that we hear about. Dr Levengood is not able to state precisely what causes that to happen, but is suggesting that it is due to a rapid increase in temperature within the plant. This fracturing and scarring of the cell structure supports the HSC Laboratory results.

SI: What was the other important finding?

CA: Dr Levengood planted the seeds from the cereal crops involved in this phenomenon (those that were involved last year) and germinated them in environmentally-sound conditions. He found that the date at which the plants germinated was consistent with the controls, the plants outside of the crop circle area. What he then found, and this is consistent with what we have been looking at over the years, is that the plant growth is positive. That is to say, the plants, once they've germinated, grew at a very much more accelerated rate above ground level [than the control samples]. The root structure was also much more extensive and healthy below ground level, as compared with the control samples - indeed many-fold healthier and more productive. That, too, is a very important discovery. The plants were taken from three sites in the world - Australia, America, and Great Britain. We’re looking at a consistency here. Again, comparing that with wind damage, hoaxing, and trampling by human feet, it isn't an effect than can be replicated.

SI: Will these results be published in any way?

CA: Yes, they will be. In fact, in a limited way, they have already been published recently.*

SI: Are there any other developments with the scientific research?

CA: Yes, the work of Gerald Hawkins, the respected scientist in Washington, DC, who has written books on the geometry of Stonehenge.

SI: What has he found with the crop circles?

CA: It’s looking very exciting indeed. Prior to the launch of Circular Evidence, we had an ‘uncontaminated’ period, a period during which - I would pretty well put my life on it - we were not receiving any hoaxes at all. Since the book was launched, the public became aware that something unusual was going on, and of course now we have a high number of claims of hoaxes and indeed physical hoaxes as well.

But in the crop formations of that pre-contaminated period prior to 1989, what Gerald Hawkins has proven is that, well beyond a chance of over 90 per cent, we are looking at diatonic ratios within the crop circles. And perhaps we’re looking at ancient geometry which could relate to sound itself, because these are the same ratios which underlie the diatonic scale in music. It’s an extremely significant development. What’s for sure is that I doubt if there is any hoaxer in the world who would begin to even know what it is we’re talking about, let alone calculate his handiwork to compare ancient diatonic ratios of that kind.


The Gulf Breeze incident

SI: Anything that we can look forward to in the coming months?

CA: Early this summer, there’s going to be a surveillance operation. It will be similar to what happened when I planned Operation Blackbird with the British Army, but it will involve no media whatsoever. It will be confidential. A site has been chosen. It’s in central-southern England, and it will be at a site where the ground markings have appeared regularly, and also where aerial phenomena are occurring regularly.

We’re interested in those two particular elements because of a major development which took place in Gulf Breeze, Florida, on 13 March this year.

SI: This is your work with Steven Greer?

CA: We've been working with Dr Steven Greer, a physician here in the US. He’s now heading his own SETI project [Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence], and has worked out over a period of 18 months a protocol for interaction with an airborne object. He took his team of 33 observers to Gulf Breeze, opposite the Pensacola military establishment there.

On 13 March, his team of 33 observers established their position. Using powerful one million candle-watt search beams they formed a triangle of light in the sky. Within seconds five white lights with orange balls on the under side appeared, moved across the sky and took up position at the triangle’s apex. They maintained this position.

In the next stage Steven flashed the search beam at a pre-determined rate onto one of the objects. Meanwhile, everything was being filmed on video cameras. There were, I believe, another 20 or so members of the public observing this from six other locations around Gulf Breeze. The team then traced a course with a beam from above the five objects down onto the beach, suggesting to the objects that they move along this line to ground level. Two objects broke away from the five, and moved along that beam. But they stopped, took up a hovering position directly over the observers there. They maintained their position for quite some while, and at that point, through binoculars, all of them, Steven included, could see the structural detail of those objects. At this point, the objects gave out two flashes of white light, and all of them, the two and the remaining three, just simply disappeared.

A CBS television film crew was there on the following Tuesday filming something quite different. Some of Steven’s team were still in the area. I don't know how they made contact with one another, but apparently they suggested to CBS that they should stay and that Steven’s team would have a second try at this. They did, and the television crew filmed two UFOs, which responded similarly. Quite an extraordinary case.

If it is as reported, we have something here of great importance. Steven and his team will be coming over to Britain, and carrying on that particular process over the fields where these markings have appeared. I have a very positive feeling about this, as Steven does himself. We may well be entering a critical phase.

Response to a sick molecule

SI: Could you talk a bit about what you believe the crop circles mean?

CA: We are entering a very crucial and important phase in our evolution. The crop markings are only a part of a major shift in the consciousness of mankind, and moving us forward, probably the biggest leap forward in our evolution in history.

In terms of this planet, I believe that we are looking at a single, living molecule. The Gaia theory makes perfect sense to me, that we are indeed looking at a living planet, a living organism. It’s what the indigenous peoples have always tried to tell us. They have survived only because they have understood how to interact with nature. They found their place in nature. We are here in a material way, and are on a course to folly. We have a limited time to put things right. It’s 10 seconds to midnight. Unless we learn to harmonize, to interact with all living things, I'm afraid we are going to see the closing down of a living organism on which we rely. This message is also coming from those who are working in pure science right now. We have a big problem. The planet has a big problem. The evidence is there.

I believe that the crop circles are graphic markings that have within them, in their entirety, a meaning. That meaning, and the response to that visual intake, is automatic, because it’s within our blueprint. It is within us subconsciously to recognize them. Many people feel this, but they are unable to establish where they've seen them before.

It is, I believe, part of the change of consciousness. There are high levels of energy which are being intelligently placed into position in critical parts of the planet. These, if you like, are probably the chakra points, to give it a term, important energy points of the living organism. They are not random, and they have never been random. They are at specific points, and they recur at those locations. I believe that they are occurring literally at the interface between this dimension of the world that we know quite a lot about and those other dimensions of which we know so very little. We are beginning to see that we can interact in a limited way, directly with other dimensions.

We are seeing, I think, the reaction of the brain end of the universe, the thinking end, which is automatically responding to a very sick molecule. If you were to cut your finger, the brain end of your universe, your head, would react subconsciously to that. You certainly wouldn't be saying, “Send me hemoglobin and white corpuscles.” But the brain end automatically responds. If we could watch the processes going on within your framed universe, what we would see in a microscope is white blood corpuscles moving to that point and interacting. The behavioral tendency would be the equivalent of the UFO. That would be the UFO response from the brain-end of the universe to this planet. That’s the analogy.