Index of Introductions to the epochal revelation on Urantia


Index of Introductions to the epochal revelation on Urantia

Unread postby admin » Tue May 17, 2011 11:32 pm

Index of Introductions to the epochal revelation on Urantia



To see a listing of well written introductions to the 5th Epochal Revelation of Divine Truth served up to this day and generation please Click the Image above or follow this LINK
To read a sample of thought gems from the revelation please Click Here

155:6.6 Shame on those false religious teachers who would drag hungry souls back into the dim and distant past and there leave them! And so are these unfortunate persons doomed to become frightened by every new discovery, while they are discomfited by every new revelation of truth. The prophet who said, "He will be kept in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on God," was not a mere intellectual believer in authoritative theology. This truth-knowing human had discovered God; he was not merely talking about God.

176:2.3 In further answer to Peter's question, Jesus said: "Why do you still look for the Son of Man to sit upon the throne of David and expect that the material dreams of the Jews will be fulfilled? Have I not told you all these years that my kingdom is not of this world? The things which you now look down upon are coming to an end, but this will be a new beginning out of which the gospel of the kingdom will go to all the world and this salvation will spread to all peoples. And when the kingdom shall have come to its full fruition, be assured that the Father in heaven will not fail to visit you with an enlarged revelation of truth and an enhanced demonstration of righteousness, even as he has already bestowed upon this world him who became the prince of darkness , and then Adam, who was followed by Melchizedek, and in these days, the Son of Man. And so will my Father continue to manifest his mercy and show forth his love, even to this dark and evil world. So also will I, after my Father has invested me with all power and authority, continue to follow your fortunes and to guide in the affairs of the kingdom by the presence of my spirit, who shall shortly be poured out upon all flesh. Even though I shall thus be present with you in spirit, I also promise that I will sometime return to this world, where I have lived this life in the flesh and achieved the experience of simultaneously revealing God to man and leading man to God. Very soon must I leave you and take up the work the Father has intrusted to my hands, but be of good courage, for I will sometime return. In the meantime, my Spirit of the Truth of a universe shall comfort and guide you.

ImageFor a listing of introductions to the 5th Epochal Revelation of Divine Truth served up to this day and generation please Click Here

ImageFor a sample of Thought Gems from the Book please Click Here

ImageTo read the Urantia Book online please Click Here.

ImageTo see how this new Revelation of Truth has affected the minds and hearts of the citizens of this world please Click Here


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