The Real Weapon To Defeat the NWO is an Eternal Truth

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The Real Weapon To Defeat the NWO is an Eternal Truth

Unread postby Opey » Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:26 pm

ImageImage Ramon Andres on Facbook
I posted this originally on my Facebook wall, and a friend suggested that I post it also here. I am new to this forum as of today. I am a long-time reader/student of the Urantia Book. Most of my several hundred friends on Facebook are not UB readers.

For several weeks as 2012 came to a close I contemplated the state of affairs in our country, having spent the better part of the last four years becoming informed via the "alternative media" of the facts which the co-opted 'mainstream media' will not touch. There is a great deal of facts alone which most people do not have the time, the objectivity, or the stomach to discover. Ultimately, and as it is written in Hosea 4: 6 (KJV), the people really do "perish from a lack of knowledge." We as a society ignore the truth at our nation's, and at our own personal, peril.

My purpose, however, for this post is not to recount any of those facts. You, the reader, will have to choose whether to seek those out on your own if you haven't already. Rather, the purpose of my post is to essentially throw out a lifesaver floater to anyone who has been grappling with despair, with a sense of non-direction, especially due to the discovery of those suppressed facts.

I've made it no secret on Facebook that I am a man who harbors faith. Immediately, some might assume an impression upon reading that that I am a 'religious' person, and assign any amount of definitive connotations in accordance with your subjective perspective and experience.

Here is my take on 'faith.' I grew up thinking that 'faith' amounted to the act of obligating myself, my life, my thinking, in a direction in which I would be something less than who I am; a compromising of my intellect, of my aspirations, of my sexuality, of my very person. It was for this reason that I rejected organized religion early in life.

But it was because I sincerely yearned to know for certain "where I stood" spiritually with God that, in my early 20's, I dared to take the step of inviting awareness, of accepting even the loss of my material lifestyle if necessary (though I know now, of course, that it was not), just to become certain of God. After meeting someone who inspired me to trust that God was actually all 'good,' I simply 'gave-in' into an unquestioning trust, the world be damned.

What I got was an epiphany beyond my wildest dreams. It did not happen overnight, but rather as a progressive awakening in my mind's eye, in my heart of hearts. Shortly, my understanding came into full bloom, and I knew that I knew; and what I knew was that I was in the Spirit presence of the Originator of all Reality as a full-fledged, completely deserving son. I use the past-tense here only to convey a beginning, because that awareness really is ongoing, ever since that "birth" day, or rather over several days. That awareness ebbs and flows; but that awareness is forever.

Faith is not a matter of mere belief: believing the sky is blue (above the chemtrails, that is), believing that an incarnation occurred over 2,000 years ago of the Creator of our universe, believing that our planet is among many similarly inhabited planets in the universe. Those are examples of beliefs, some rooted in lore, some rooted in factual analysis, some rooted in deductive reasoning.

I know now that my determination to trust wholeheartedly led me to take a step in my heart that amounted to a change in attitude. What I now understand is that that attitude swells from my soul, through the window that is my mind. I came to know that FAITH is the attitude of the SOUL.

What I want to share with all my friends is something which I am certain bears upon the present situation in which we all find ourselves in this nation. We are increasingly beleaguered and assaulted by acts of government tyranny as most of you know. I am unashamed to say that, quite often, in spite of my 'awareness,' I falter in my courage, my steadfastness. I am as human as the next person, and I likewise grapple with disgust, despair, and anger at the dimming of our country's Light of Liberty. After protests, petitions, boycotts, staged elections, the vanquishing of the internal threat is not achieved. What is there for a sane person to do? If you are like me, you know instinctively that the moment there is an offensive physical assault on the illegitimate government, Liberty is forestalled exponentially. It is because that is true that the bankster-co-opted illegitimate government can and does allot unlimited resources to spectacular false-flag staged terror events. They are achieving not only a fear-mongering among the sheeple to vilify those who can see, but also an intimidation and goading among those of us who are thus unplugged.

What, then, is our true "weapon"? Because each individual has his and her own subjective experience with anything religious, I don't presume to foist any religious beliefs upon anyone. However, I would suggest that, rather than 'beliefs,' it is faith as the attitude of the soul that is the foundation of the cache of armaments at our disposal. Whatever your belief-system, or non-belief-system, may be at the present time, I am proposing that the arms that make the real and final difference in DEFEATING the globalists, the bankster-co-opted government minions, are those that are derived from cooperation with Spirit intent, the Divine Will. Immediately let me hasten here to affirm: I am NOT suggesting that I believe physical weaponry should be surrendered. Absolutely NOT. Should it ever really come to such a scenario, I personally believe in dying with my personal Liberty intact for the cause of Liberty for our future generations rather than living on my knees subservient to despots. But that also leads into the point that I am trying to make: From my personal perspective, everything having to do with genuine spiritual living, with the divine intent, is characterized by unselfishness, and with the noble embrace of all the responsibilities of owning the divinely-conferred gift of personal Liberty. This is the very message that our nation's forefathers intended that we comprehend. Their legacy is ours for the ACCEPTING.

Their legacy is multidimensional. Beyond the words are the principles; yet beyond even the principles, those who may choose to may glean spiritual meanings and divine values. The Bill of Rights of the Constitution casts a light of righteousness along the path to personal freedom. Its premise is 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' Some believe that this treasured document serves as the scaffolding of an even more enlightened society of the future, one in which it is the supreme delight, honor and privilege to be of unselfish service to one's fellows for the sake of the spiritual kingdom, 'doing unto others as you know our heavenly Father would do unto them.' I, for one, believe, that such an Age will in the future emerge on our planet. But even if you, the reader, do not, nevertheless it is still pertinent, still a powerful armament, that the premise in our current Age of the founding document to our Nation is one in which we may find our greatest strength. When we give of ourselves to one another, when we reach out to be a better neighbor, we exercise a spiritual muscle which brings buoyancy to our existence. As it turns out, every one of us is going to eventually die. What is it that will matter? Our profoundly personal experiences with exercising our spiritual muscles during our earthly life! When we reach out in the spirit of self-forgetfulness to be of help to another, we experience an invasion deep within our soul of a spiritual confirmation, potentially bringing one to tears with gladness.

Some people may have gotten stuck, perhaps repeatedly, in their lives, with the notion of cooperating with the Divine intent, with participating with "God's will." I understand that because I was once there. What I have come to understand (beyond mere "belief") is this:

1) It is within our heavenly Father's will wherein lies our highest happiness.
2) Our heavenly Father's will is always characterized by the highest good for the greatest number.
3) Geophysical events are not reflective of the divine nature or attitude.
4) Our heavenly Father's nature is such that we are given full opportunity to willingly, and eventually knowingly, choose our course. Free-will is paramount.
5) We may freely choose whether or not to seek out his true nature, to discover, as a fact within our own personal experience, the presence of the living Spirit of God within the higher reaches of the mind.
6) That the spiritual perfection of the Person of God consists at least of his infinite love, abundant mercy, everlasting forgiveness, and replete understanding.
7) That son or daughtership is a free gift, our existence freely conferred upon us concomitant with our inherent rights, and that this gift may be realized in one's personal experience by FAITH and through grace. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty" 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NASB)
8) That in this realization, one is naturally constrained to want to give something back in profound gratitude and in celebration of his magnificence.
9) That to do so one naturally would desire to be like him, to unselfishly be of service to one's fellows.
10) And so, in full circle, cooperating with the Divine intent, the "doing" of God's will, is simply the conscious or unconscious act of sincerely striving to become more and more like God! And it is in his will that exists all that is good, and beautiful, and true.

This is the Truth that has long been suppressed by a variety of agencies, and over the ages. It is my personal *belief* that this IS the TRUTH, the "saving gospel," which Jesus demonstrated by both word and action while he lived among us. And it is my personal belief that this is the "Good News" Truth which the dark agencies of the material world would have you NOT learn in your human experience. Realizing your full potential, as a human being with a spiritual destiny as your free birthright, IS THEIR DEATH KNELL.

Take up these armaments to be your greatest strength. Our communal experience in this phase of living may or may not be about to change drastically within our generation, but your individual experience with living the human existence cannot be more rewarding than when you allow it to be imbued with the courage that springs from your profound certainty of your spiritual status and from your free-will choosing to exercise your birthright to flex your spiritual muscles to be of good-natured, unselfish service to your fellows. With such transcendent courage you will be equipped to face down all manner of tyrannical onslaught with the supreme confidence that you have an entire universe of celestial forces for good on your side.

Image Ramon Andres on Facbook. . . . Inspirational material:Image

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