Vaccines,Fluoride,Industry & Science without Morals/Ideals

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Vaccines,Fluoride,Industry & Science without Morals/Ideals

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:42 am


Scence Without Ideals - Industry without Morals - Poisons in our Air - Water and Bodies



Paul Kemp
Former President
Canadian Action Party

Below are articles and Video evidence of what the present world managers are attempting to do using Science and Industry as the silent killers of modern day society and our environment. They plot mass murder behind closed doors while the unfortunate many suffer the injustice of their malice, violent crimes, mass murders, contemptible programs of mass deception, propaganda and mind control and every other type of inexcusable and reprehensible acts of iniquity.

The mark of the beast in every conceivable way; an evil that is so psychopathic run by sociopaths and an iniquity so unbelievable to the moral and upright citizens of the world they can conduct their affairs right before our stunned gaze. These are the acts of the walking dead, spiritually debauched men and women, vipers whom the Creator of this world declared are full of dead men’s bones.

The survival of our world is dependent on successful representative government; and that is conditioned upon the practice of electing to public offices only those individuals who are technically trained, intellectually competent, socially loyal, and morally fit. Only by such provisions can government of the people, by the people, and for the people be preserved.

Until we can replace these fallen rulers we must stay informed of their insidious and secret plans in order to mitigate the damage to ourselves our families and our environment. Be diligent and stay informed!

Some of the posts placed here are long! You would be well advised and wise to view them to the end. They will disturb your world view, but upon accepting the truth postulates revealed in these disclosures by an honest examination of the facts of science and the truth about the relationships that now exist between the wealthy and fortunate few and the unfortunate many you will come through this study informed and armed with the Truth. Ready to act in your defence against them.

It is not a conspiracy that the wealthy and fortunate few rule over the unfortunate many. It is a fact of History, now being brought forth by upright and courageous men and women in many and varying fields of study.

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Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret (Full Length • HD)

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:02 am

Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret (Full Length • HD) !




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CHEMTRAILS - WHY & WHAT are they spraying!

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:32 pm

Why and what in the world are they spraying!




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Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:33 pm

Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination




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Monsanto Cucumbers Cause Genital Baldness

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:16 pm

Monsanto Cucumbers Cause Genital Baldness -- Immediately Banned in Nova Scotia


A six-month study by AgriSearch, an on-campus research arm of Dalhousie University, has shown that genetically modified (GM) cucumbers grown under license to Monsanto Inc. result in serious side effects including total groin hair loss and chafing in "sensitive areas", leading to the immediate and total ban of sales of all that company's crop and subsequent dill pickles.

The tracking study of 643 men and women in Nova Scotia came about after reports began to surface about bald field mice and the bald feral cats that ate them being discovered by farmers on acreages growing the new crop.

"The bald wild animals raised a huge flag and we immediately obtained subpoenas for the medical records of all 600 plus adults who took part in focus groups and taste tests of the cucumbers by Monsanto in Canada," said Dr. Nancy Walker, Director of Public Health Research at Dalhousie. "Fully 3/4 of the people who ate these cukes had their crotch area hair fall out. This is not a joking matter at all...these people now have hairless heinies."

Nova Scotia became the first province or state in North America to ban a Monsanto GM food product, although GM corn and other food crops are currently outlawed in Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece and Hungary. Governments in Australia, Spain, UK, France, Turkey, India and Mexico have public petitions or legislative bills under consideration. Californians recently voted down a bill that would have required all GM foods to be clearly labeled. Monsanto cucumbers have been ordered removed from all food stores in Nova Scotia, while Quebec stores have begun a voluntary removal, partially because the UPC code stickers contain some English.

"I pulled down my boxer shorts to get ready for bed one night and there it was...a pile of hair that looked like a chihuahua puppy," said Eric LaMaze, who was paid $50 by Monsanto to compare the tastes of natural cucumbers to Monsanto GM cucumbers in March of this year in Halifax. "Then I saw my bits and whoa they were like all shiny skin. Bald."

Mr. LaMaze and other taste test participants said the GM cucumbers tasted the same as the naturally grown cucumbers but made a slight "fizzing noise" when swallowed. The participants also complained of raw skin in their genital area and some bed wetting.

Monsanto Inc., a self-described Sustainable Agriculture Company based in Creve Coeur, Missouri, where they share offices with major shareholder Bain Capital, issued a statement saying, "Next generation fruits and vegetables, including VO5 cucumbers, are safe for human consumption with some potential minor side effects. Some fine-tuning is underway."

McDonald's Corp. issued a statement following the Nova Scotia ban announcing that they will replace dill and sweet cucumber pickles on their burgers with non-GM pickled zucchini as a precaution until it is proven that no Monsanto pickles were sold into the North American market. McDonald's website contains a bulletin to that effect and includes a revised hip-hop Big Mac jingle that now sings, "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickled zuke, onions on a sesame seed bun."

Federal Minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq said a Canada-wide recall and ban will be issued within 24 hours. "The Government of Canada takes this very, very seriously," said the Minister. "Being hairless down there should be a matter of personal choice for Canadian men and women and not one taken away by a cucumber."

"They used to have the real cucumber slices in those salad things at the City Hall Dining Club," sighed Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on the courthouse steps after being impeached by a Provincial Judge. "Those were good times..."

Robin Steel
Reporting for The Lapine

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ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them!

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:20 pm

ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated -
Every Last One of Them!
Nov-29-2011 01:22
S. Edmonson for

Experts say families need to take a critical look at vaccines

"The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination" - Dr. Robert Bell, once Vice President International Society for Cancer Research at the British Cancer Hospital.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Have you been rushing out to get a yearly flu vaccine or diligently taking your children for the 40 or so mandated childhood vaccines?

That's really a shame because you have unwittingly been trading a run-of-the-mill flu or just the measles, for loading up your or your children's bodies with cancer and other deadly viruses, a destructive bacteria, a chemical selected to damage fertility, and with synthetic DNA that threatens to damage your own DNA - the biologic code for your existence.

Who is saying the vaccines are contaminated? image below to read more........


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Re: Vaccines,Fluoride,Industry & Science without Morals/Idea

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:02 pm

Poisoned Planet: Doubling of Ocean Mercury Levels Threatens Global Health
Published on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 by Common Dreams
UN report exposes toxic legacy of coal, gold, and a world bent on extraction - Beth Brogan, staff writer

The world's rivers, lakes, and oceans are suffering the severe consequences of modern industrial mercury pollution, according to a new UN report, which also warns the health of the entire planet and its inhabitants face a perilous future if serious action is not soon taken.

Hundreds of tons of mercury from sources such as coal-fired power plants, gold mining and other industrial processes have seaped into the world's water systems over the past century, dramatically increasing health and environmental risks for people all over the world, according to the Global Mercury Assessment 2013 released Thursday by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The report comes just days before representatives of countries are scheduled to meet in Geneva to discuss a proposed, legally-binding treaty to reduce global mercury emissions.

In July 2012, negotiators rejected a stand-alone article on health, contending that the treaty should be primarily focused on the environment. But advocates for stricter emissions restrictions say mercury poisoning is devastating those in developing nations, and demand the treaty address the health implications as well.

“Millions of people around the globe are exposed to mercury on a daily basis, in artisanal mining and elsewhere," said Juliane Kippenberg, senior researcher at Human Rights Watch. "There is a dire need for stronger prevention and treatment of mercury poisoning.”

Mercury, which accumulates in fish and climbs up the food chain, poses the greatest risk of nerve damage to pregnant women, women of childrearing age and young children, according to the AP.

Over the past 100 years, mercury in the top 100 meters of the world's oceans has doubled, according to the study. Waters deeper than that have seen mercury concentrations increase by 25 percent, and rivers and lakes contain an estimated 260 metric tons of mercury that was previously held in soils.

Uruguayan environmental affairs Minister Fernando Lugris, who chairs the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the treaty talks, says the "time for action is now" is an interview that accompanied the UNEP report.

Lugris notes that because mercury pollution that occurs today will have long-lasting health impacts for years to come, it is "imperative that we act now to reduce future emissions and releases to the maximum extent possible in order to stop adding more to the global environment."

The Guardian reports that the health effects of mercury poisoning include "brain damage and the loss of IQ points in unborn children, injuries to kidneys and heart, and results in tens of billions of dollars in healthcare costs every year in the US alone."


Of the treaty under consideration at the International Negotiating Committee on Mercury (INC5) next week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marc A. Yaggi write in the Guardian:

Coal barons and mining magnates are profiting from poisoning the rest of us. As coal consumption dwindles in the US, these companies are exporting their deadly product to the rest of world. A recent report from World Resources Institute (WRI) estimates that almost 1,200 additional coal-fired plants are planned for development around the world.

But the mercury treaty is likely to call simply for reductions on a per facility basis, rather than an overall reduction in mercury emissions to air and and water. As a result, the treaty could legitimize increased mercury pollution as the number of coal-fired power plants increases globally. Moreover, there is no agreement that the treaty should even require existing facilities to apply the best available techniques to reduce mercury releases.

Those of us who care about public health and clean water, must stand strong and shame the spineless diplomats in Geneva into crafting a treaty that truly prevents the devastating environmental and public health impacts of mercury.

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