Forum Translation Services

This Forum is for Russian students of a Divine Revelation of Truth and the forging of international friendships.

Please post to this Forum if you are a student of the Urantia 5th Epochal Revelations and are from Russia.

Forum Translation Services

Unread postby admin » Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:59 am


To load a split screen with the Forum and a Translation Page click the Link Below ... age-01.htm

Чтобы загрузить на разделенном экране с форумом и перевода страницы щелкните ссылку ниже ... age-01.htm

Laden eine Split-Screen mit dem Forum und eine Übersetzungsseite klicken Sie den Link unten . ... age-01.htm

Forum ve çeviri sayfa bölünmüş ekran yüklemek için aşağıdaki bağlantıyı tıklatın. ... age-01.htm

Laadimiseks klõpsake tükeldatud ekraani foorum ja tõlke lehekülg on Link allpool. ... age-01.htm

Para cargar una pantalla dividida con el Foro y una página de traducción haga clic en el vínculo siguiente. ... age-01.htm

Per caricare uno schermo diviso con il Forum e una pagina di traduzione clicca il Link qui sotto. ... age-01.htm

로드 하려면 포럼 및 번역 페이지 분할 화면 아래 링크를 통해 클릭 합니다. ... age-01.htm

負荷を分割画面、フォーラムとは、翻訳ページをクリックして次のリンク。 ... age-01.htm

加载与论坛翻译页拆分屏幕单击下面的链接。 ... age-01.htm
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Location: Salt Springs, Nova Scotia, Canada, Urantia
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Urantia Book Study Poll: 27

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