UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE - By Canadian Minister of Defence

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UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE - By Canadian Minister of Defence

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:15 am

By Canadian Minister of Defence MAY 2013

[ flash ]

Published on Jun 7, 2013
Hon. Paul Hellyer - Minister of National Defense
Testified knowing of 4 Alien races actively visiting Earth.
Source Channel>>>

Filmed May 2013

Monsignor Corrado Balducci
Vatican theologian-Interview on Italian television
"We can no longer think... is it true? Is it not true? Are they truths or are they lies--if we believe or if we don't believe--no! There are already numerous considerations which make the existence of these beings [extraterrestrials] into a certainty we cannot doubt."

Former Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the CIA Victor Marchetti: How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon, Second Look, Vol. 1, No. 7, Washington, D.C. (5/1979) -- "We have, indeed, been contacted -- perhaps even visited -- by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public."

Deputy Chief of the Royal Belgian Air Force Major-General Wilfred de Brouwer: "Postface" in SOBEPS' Vague d'OVNI sur la Belgique - Un Dossier Exceptionnel, Brussels: SOBEPS (1991) -- "In any case, the Air Force has arrived to the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena has been produced within Belgian airspace. The numerous testimonies of ground observations compiled in this [SOBEPS] book, reinforced by the reports of the night of March 30-31 [1990], have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorized aerial activities have taken place. Until now, not a single trace of aggressiveness has been signaled; military or civilian air traffic has not been perturbed nor threatened. We can therefore advance that the presumed activities do not constitute a direct menace."
"The day will come undoubtedly when the phenomenon will be observed with technological means of detection and collection that won't leave a single doubt about its origin. This should lift a part of the veil that has covered the mystery for a long time. A mystery that continues to the present. But it exists, it is real, and that in itself is an important conclusion."

Japan's Top Government Spokesperson, Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura and Japan's Defense Minister, Shigeru Ishiba :
Beliefs and Concerns about UFOs - Japan's top government spokesperson: UFO's definitely exist. Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said to reporters on December 18, 2007, "I definitely believe they (UFOs) exist."
3 days later Japan's Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba considers how his Self Defence Forces could respond to an attack by space aliens while adhering to limits on military action under the country's war-renouncing Constitution. "There are no grounds for us to deny there are unidentified flying objects and some lifeform that controls them", Ishiba said. "Few discussions have been held on what the legal grounds are" for military response. (Bloomberg) by Stuart Biggs

Sworn Affidavit by a Lieutenant Walter Haut concerning his experience of the 1947 UFO crash AT Roswell, NM:
Lt. Walter Haut, public relations officer at Roswell Army Air Field in 1947 left a sworn affidavit concerning his experience with the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. His sworn affidavit was only to be opened after his death. Haut died in December 2005 and sometime in June of 2007 the text contained therein had been released. He describes seeing the UFO and the occupants consisting of alien bodies as well as a high-level meeting with Col. William Blanchard and General Roger Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Army Air Force.

Astronaut Scott Carpenter
"At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs." ~ Astronaut Scott Carpenter - Carpenter photographed a UFO while in orbit on May 24, 1962. NASA still has not released the photograph to the public.

Buzz Aldrin on Fox News
"We just about could have said, 'Look, we see a UFO out the window going along with us.' You know what would have happened? The public would have gone crazy! We were smart enough to say, 'Where is the upper stage rocket? We think we might be looking at that out the window."

Colonel Joseph J. Bryan III
Founding member of the CIA's psychological warfare staff, advisor to NATO
"These UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the Earth, either manned or under remote control, or both."

President Jimmy Carter
Interview following his sighting of a UFO at Leary, Georgia - October 1969
"It was the darndest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors, and it was about the size of the moon. A red and green glowing orb radiated as it hurtled across the southwestern Georgia skies. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing's for sure: I'll never make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified flying objects in the sky."


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Re: UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE - Evidence for the Tall White Alien

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:30 am

Evidence for the Tall White Aliens
[ flash ]
Published on Jun 11, 2013
Retired airman Charles Hall worked on Nellis AFB in Nevada in 1967 with an extraterrestrial race called "Tall Whites." These alien beings lived and worked on United States Air force (USAF) property, in cooperation and sharing information with the USAF.

Hall has written a trilogy of his interaction with Tall Whites entitled, "Millennial Hospitality," describing encounters with a race of human-like extraterrestrials during a two year duty assignment from 1965 to 1967 at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.

Hall believes the Tall Whites are the only aliens on the base. He is quite certain that the Tall Whites and Greys dislike each other and says Tall Whites would not permit Greys anywhere near their housing or where their children might be playing. The Tall Whites live underground in the mountains of Area 53. Areas 53 and 54 and western parts of the Desert Southwest Game Range are known as "Dreamland."

According to Hall, the Tall Whites, physically more fragile than humans, are envious of our ability to mentally multi-task, being unable to concentrate more than one thing at a time. They can hear higher frequency sounds than humans, with hearing at least equal to that of a dog. Their vocal cords can a make sounds too high for human ears. When several of them would come to Hall's location, they could talk among themselves using sounds he could not hear, giving the impression of telepathic communication.

They can read a human's mind only if they are wearing one their electronic communication devices. Hall says it frequently happened that Tall Whites would come to his location without their devices. On those occasions, if none of them could speak English, the only way they could communicate was by using hand signals, like pointing and gesturing.

Hall once asked a Tall White known as "Teacher, "Are there many planets like the Earth out in space?"

The response: "There are quite a few. However, humans are the only people that we have seen who live so closely with their animals. For example, you feel comfortable milking cows, riding horses, and playing with dogs. Every one of those animals could kill you, but you naturally use your intelligence to determine how each of those animals is thinking. Then you naturally take control of them. Only humans do that. On most planets, once people become intelligent, they don't want to have anything to do with the animals that are much less intelligent then they are, so they kill them off. Also, humans will eat almost anything. On all of the other planets, the intelligent people will only eat plants. We, for example, only eat plants."

Hall is certain the Tall Whites have agreements with the highest levels in the US government. He says the Tall Whites were only willing to exchange technology with the USAF if it was to their advantage to do so, and would exchange information relating to medicine, food, clothing, electronics, nuclear reactors, creating better metals, ceramics, and plastics, and scientific details about our solar system and nearby solar systems. They would not, however, exchange technological secrets relating to anti-gravity drive, traveling faster than the speed of light, or forms of advanced weaponry.

Hall never saw anything that lead him to believe that the Tall White aliens are supernatural, that they seeded our planet or that they want to create hybrids. He did observe craft that routinely traveled faster than the speed of light.

The Tall Whites consider the earth to be "a cold and desolate wilderness."

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