Creation and Origin of Man (UBS #4)


Moderator: Rev. Dr. Red

Creation and Origin of Man (UBS #4)

Unread postby Rev. Dr. Red » Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:48 pm

Creation and Origin of Man (UBS #4)

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As stated in "Introduction To “UBS” Study the following is: My opinions posted on this part of the study may or may not be my final feeling on the matter. I’ll be writing (or recording video) as I go, so it’s inevitable that some concepts may not have long enough to settle in my mind so a final thought or feeling can be reached. Some new and non-institutional concepts are going to be introduced, compared to the Bible, looked at with logic, and commented on. Whether or not you agree with these concepts are completely irrelevant. The purpose of this study is not whether you or I agree with the said study or with each other, but to help bring us closer to each other as brethren and ultimately closer to God. Your participation in this study is welcome and will be greatly appreciated.

Creation and the Origin of Man

History of the planet:

This section of the study-source starts out with alot of science. Im going to give the basics as it may pertain to future readings.

Approximately 987 Billion years ago our universe started taking shape. By approximately 500 Billion years ago the suns, stars and planets were formed and began their orbits. Approximately 200 Billion years ago planets were beginning to cool enough to hold life. Our sun was born 6 Billion years ago. Our planets were born 4.5 Billion years ago. The study-source also suggests that for a time, Jupiter and Saturn once served as dimmer secondary suns before cooling off. About 2 Billion years ago our planet started creating its atmosphere. Earths surface is 1.5 Billion years old. While the center is much older. 1 Billion years ago much volcanic eruption had stopped and lava cooled to create the crust. The atmosphere was well formed. And the planet had reached the size it is today.

As volcanic eruptions stopped and the planet cooled, we were a water world. There was approximately 1 mile deep of water covering the entire planet. The water was slightly acid, but mainly fresh. Due to earthquakes and underwater volcanic eruptions under the modern-day Pacific Ocean, the first land mass above water was created. 950 Million years ago there was the first continental land mass surrounded by only one planet-wide ocean. By about 900 Million years ago the continental land mass took up 10% of the planets surface. Roughly 600 Million years ago, life began being planted on our planet. All life needs salt to live.

In the early days of life, plants were first. The atmosphere was so dense and empty of oxygen, animals would not be able to breathe. The plants breathe in the carbons and breathe out the oxygen. Which now makes it ripe for animal life. Plants and animal sustain each other as animals breathe in oxygen and out carbon which the plants breathe in to create oxygen for the animals to breathe. Life was planted in the tropical waters of what would later become the individual continents, done so each continent would grow life. Animal life first appeared roughly 450 Million years ago.

The study-source suggests that though it can traced from vegetable to animal, we will never locate “missing links” from pre-human to human because such links never existed. From era to era radically new species of animal life arise. They do not evolve as the result of the gradual accumulation of small variations; they appear as full-fledged and new orders of life, and they appear suddenly. The sudden appearance of new species and diversified orders of living organisms is wholly biologic, strictly natural. There is nothing supernatural connected with these genetic mutations.
The era of life started approximately 1 Billion years ago.

350 Million years ago marine life was well established. Much of the continent was submerged in a continental flood except for what is now central Asia.

As stated Im only putting key things into this post. But I must say upto this point, and surely beyond, is the most fascinating creation story and epochs of time ever described. When the study-source is revealed you just must read it to see the in-depth story that Im failing to include in this post.

The first land animal was put on Earth at about 210 Million years ago.

The planet has a natural technique to ever-create new beds of gas, oil, and coal.
140 Million years ago reptilians; including crocodiles, scaled lizards, sea and flying reptiles appeared. 50 Million years ago placental mammals appeared. 35 Million years ago horses, cats, dogs, rodents, etc. appeared. 30 Million years ago toed animals began to appear. Many only having two or three toes. 20 Million years ago many animals crossed from Asia into the Americas. Including 15 species of elephant, of which only 2 survived. Due to rising mountain ranges causing creation of a cooler climate, much plant life began migrating towards the equator. Greenland and Iceland used to be tropical. The entire planet, prior to mountain ranges reaching into the atmosphere causing a cooling climate, the entire planet was tropical. With the increase in height mountains were blocking winds and bringing cooler air down. Eventually the evaporated waters turned to snow. Sheets of ice and snow began covering the planet. 2 Million years ago was the first glacial movement. About 1 Million years ago humankind appeared. Mankind appeared during the Ice Age. The sole survivors of this original, first-man are the Eskimos; that to this day prefer a more frigid environment. 500 Thousand years ago the six races of man appeared from the stock of original man. 200 Thousand years ago the Lucifer Rebellion came to Earth. 100 Thousand years ago the Ice Age ended as the glacial ice began to retreat northward. 35 Thousand years ago the Ice Age was completely over and Adam and Eve made their appearance on Earth.

Origin Of Man

993,497 years ago the first truly human beings appeared on Earth. These first men had a life span of about 75 years; and grew to approximately 5 feet tall. They were fully matured by age 12. They created a verbal and sign language of approximately 50 characters. It is these two who first discovered how to make fire and used animal skins to keep warm. They created the first tribe of mankind in caves. They were extremely clannish and went everywhere as a group. They hunted in groups and never travelled too far from their home site. Due to an earthquake they died at age 42 along with 5 children and 11 grandchildren. Their first son took leadership of the clan. This first family went problem free for 20 generations. At which point they dispersed. These first humans very closely resemble todays Eskimos. These first humans had developed more than 1,000 settlements across Europe. They were the early river-dwellers of France. They lived along the river for tens of thousands of years. They ate mostly meat. Started creating stone dome-shaped huts to live in. Invented the stone axe, harpoon, and various tools using flint. Finally came a spiritual leader that brought peace to the tribes and taught them of the “breath giver of man and animals”. The early tribes became animal worshippers.

Very early the peoples formed the habit of refraining from eating the flesh of the animal of tribal veneration. In order more suitably to impress the minds of their youths, they evolved a ceremony of reverence which was carried out about the body of one of these venerated animals; and still later on, this primitive performance developed into the more elaborate sacrificial ceremonies of their descendants. And this is the origin of sacrifices as a part of worship. This idea was elaborated by Moses in the Hebrew ritual and was preserved, in principle, by the Apostle Paul as the doctrine of atonement for sin by “the shedding of blood.”

950,000 years ago some of the tribe went West and kept progressing civilization forward. Others went East and South mating with inferior man and traveled back north and mated with the stationary tribes, almost destroying the advanced civilization. The study-source suggests this was the first of many occurrences where superior man and inferior man mating came close to destroying civilization and threatened the return of primitive ways. At 900,000 years ago mongrel ape-like tribes ventured north. By 850,000 years ago man settled in the mesopotamia region began to exterminate their inferiors. In under 1,000 years many of these inferior tribes were exterminated and the rest migrated back south. These tribes that attempted to kill off their inferiors gave birth to the Neanderthals.

The Neanderthalers were excellent fighters, and they traveled extensively. They gradually spread from the highland centers in northwest India to France on the west, China on the east, and even down into northern Africa. They dominated the world for almost half a million years until the times of the migration of the evolutionary races of color. By 550,000 years ago, fear of the dark and superstition brought on human sacrifices as a way to “appease the gods”. About 500,000 years ago the six races were born to a superior family. 19 children: Among these nineteen children were five red, two orange, four yellow, two green, four blue, and two indigo. These colors became more pronounced as the children grew older, and when these youths later mated with their fellow tribesmen, all of their offspring tended toward the skin color of the new colored parent.

The red man had problems with the yellow man. Red man than crossed over to the Americas leaving behind only those who mixed with other races. Since entering the Americas the red man has been on a steady decline. The study-source suggests that unless the red man and white man get along and mix, one of them is doomed for extinction.

The orange man was a less spiritual race. They ventured into Africa only to hit a war with the green people in Egypt. After 100yrs of fighting, the green man won. Under 100 orange were left and were absorbed into the green and later arriving indigo races. As a race, the orange man no longer exists. They ceased to exist 100,000 years ago as a race.
The yellow man were inferior to the red spiritually but superior socially. Unlike the red man, they get along for the most part and deemed the more peaceful of the races. The yellow man still exists in Asia.

The green man were less able. They dispersed in different directions. 350,000 years ago the northern tribes were enslaved and absorbed by the yellow and blue races. The eastern amalgamated with the peoples of India and still persist today. The southern tribes went into Africa where they destroyed the orange race. In Egypt the green man grew to 8-9ft tall. The remnants of these green men were absorbed by the indigo men.

The blue men were a great people. They early invented the spear and subsequently worked out the rudiments of many of the arts of modern civilization. The blue man had the brain power of the red man associated with the soul and sentiment of the yellow man. The Adamic descendants preferred them to all of the later persisting colored races. The early blue men were responsive to the persuasions of the teachers of the Planetary Prince’s staff and were thrown into great confusion by the subsequent perverted teachings of those traitorous leaders. Like other primitive races they never fully recovered from the turmoil produced by the Planetary Prince betrayal, nor did they ever completely overcome their tendency to fight among themselves. About five hundred years after the Planetary Prince’s downfall a widespread revival of learning and religion of a primitive sort —but none the less real and beneficial —occurred. There came a great teacher among the blue race and led many of the tribes back to the worship of the true God under the name of the “Supreme Chief.” This was the greatest advance of the blue man until those later times when this race was so greatly upstepped by the admixture of the Adamic stock. The European researches and explorations of the Old Stone Age have largely to do with unearthing the tools, bones, and artcraft of these ancient blue men, for they persisted in Europe until recent times. The so-called white races of Earth are the descendants of these blue men as they were first modified by slight mixture with yellow and red, and as they were later greatly upstepped by assimilating the greater portion of the violet race.

The indigo race. As the red men were the most advanced of all the peoples, so the black men were the least progressive. They were the last to migrate from their highland homes. They journeyed to Africa, taking possession of the continent, and have ever since remained there except when they have been forcibly taken away, from age to age, as slaves. Isolated in Africa, the indigo peoples, like the red man, received little or none of the race elevation which would have been derived from the infusion of the Adamic stock. Alone in Africa, the indigo race made little advancement until the days when they experienced a great spiritual awakening. While they later almost entirely forgot the “God of Gods” they did not entirely lose the desire to worship the Unknown; at least they maintained a form of worship up to a few thousand years ago. Notwithstanding their backwardness, these indigo peoples have exactly the same standing before the celestial powers as any other earthly race.

Between the times of the Planetary Prince and Adam, India became the home of the most cosmopolitan population ever to be found on the face of the earth. But it was unfortunate that this mixture came to contain so much of the green, orange, and indigo races. These secondary peoples found existence more easy and agreeable in the southlands, and many of them subsequently migrated to Africa. The primary peoples, the superior races, avoided the tropics, the red man going northeast to Asia, closely followed by the yellow man, while the blue race moved northwest into Europe.

When the relatively pure-line remnants of the red race forsook Asia, there were eleven tribes, and they numbered a little over seven thousand men, women, and children. These tribes were accompanied by three small groups of mixed ancestry, the largest of these being a combination of the orange and blue races. These three groups never fully fraternized with the red man and early journeyed southward to Mexico and Central America, where they were later joined by a small group of mixed yellows and reds. These peoples all intermarried and founded a new and amalgamated race, one which was much less warlike than the pure-line red men. Within five thousand years this amalgamated race broke up into three groups, establishing the civilizations respectively of Mexico, Central America, and South America. The South American offshoot did receive a faint touch of the blood of Adam.

500,000 years ago 100 staff of the Planetary Prince came in the physical form. They constructed schools to teach primitive man. The strongest of the races were recruited for teaching and sent back to be teachers of their tribes. Much of our legends have origin from these times. In these schools many more modern things were taught. Atleast we consider them modern. Much of what was taught to the humans was lost due to the Lucifer Rebellion, and we are only now re-discovering and re-learning such tasks and abilities.

Lucifer Rebellion Outbreak:

There are many ways of looking at sin, but from the universe philosophic viewpoint sin is the attitude of a personality who is knowingly resisting cosmic reality. Error might be regarded as a misconception or distortion of reality. Evil is a partial realization of, or maladjustment to, universe realities. But sin is a purposeful resistance to divine reality —a conscious choosing to oppose spiritual progress —while iniquity consists in an open and persistent defiance of recognized reality and signifies such a degree of personality disintegration as to border on cosmic insanity. Error suggests lack of intellectual keenness; evil, deficiency of wisdom; sin, abject spiritual poverty; but iniquity is indicative of vanishing personality control. And when sin has so many times been chosen and so often been repeated, it may become habitual. Habitual sinners can easily become iniquitous, become wholehearted rebels against the universe and all of its divine realities. While all manner of sins may be forgiven, it is doubtful whether the established iniquiter would ever sincerely experience sorrow for his misdeeds or accept forgiveness for his sins.

Upon the outbreak of rebellion, loyal cherubim and seraphim, with the aid of three faithful midwayers, assumed the custody of the tree of life and permitted only the forty loyalists of the staff and their associated modified mortals to partake of the fruit and leaves of this energy plant. There were fifty-six of these modified associates of the staff, sixteen of the attendants of the disloyal staff refusing to go into rebellion with their masters. The sixty members of the planetary staff who went into rebellion chose Nod as their leader. They worked wholeheartedly for the rebel Prince but soon discovered that they were deprived of the sustenance of the system life circuits. They awakened to the fact that they had been degraded to the status of mortal beings.

They were indeed superhuman but, at the same time, material and mortal. In an effort to increase their numbers, their leader ordered immediate resort to sexual reproduction, knowing full well that the original sixty and their forty-four modified associates were doomed to suffer extinction by death, sooner or later. After the fall of the rebelling settlement the disloyal staff migrated to the north and the east. Their descendants were long known as the Nodites, and their dwelling place as “the land of Nod.” (Genesis 4:16)

The presence of these extraordinary supermen and superwomen, stranded by rebellion and presently mating with the sons and daughters of earth, easily gave origin to those traditional stories of the gods coming down to mate with mortals. And thus originated the thousand and one legends of a mythical nature, but founded on the facts of the postrebellion days, which later found a place in the folk tales and traditions of the various peoples whose ancestors had participated in these contacts with the Nodites and their descendants.


Sin is fraught with fatal consequences to personal survival only when it is the attitude of the whole being, when it stands for the choosing of the mind and the willing of the soul. Eternal survival can be jeopardized only by the decisions of the mind and the choice of the soul of the individual himself. Sin enormously retards intellectual development, moral growth, social progress, and mass spiritual attainment. But it does not prevent the highest spiritual achievement by any individual who chooses to know God and sincerely do his divine will. No person is ever made to suffer vital spiritual deprivation because of the sin of another. Sin is wholly personal as to moral guilt or spiritual consequences, notwithstanding its far-flung repercussions in administrative, intellectual, and social domains.

Post any questions/comments. See you in [UBS #5] on Wednesday.

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Introduction To “UBS” Study
Where Is God (UBS #1)
Man And Angels (UBS #2)
Introduction to Man, Adam and Eve; And the Lucifer Rebellion (UBS #3)
Creation & Origin of Man (UBS #4)
Evolution of Civilization (UBS #5)



ImageAbout Rev. Dr. Red

Minister, Public Speaker, Founder/Sr. Pastor of Spiritual Messiah Ministries, Founder of Spiritual Truth Movement & Coalition and Truth Storm, Co-Founder of Christians United For Christ.



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