Stephen Zabielski - Talk About Angels

And this which your eyes now behold, this small beginning of twelve commonplace men, shall multiply and grow until eventually the whole earth shall be filled with the praise of my Father.

Stephen Zabielski - Talk About Angels

Unread postby stevez606 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:44 pm

Stephen Zabielski - Talk About Angels
Stephen Zabielski
Imagine the broken hearts among the angels who must time and time again watch unable to do much to prevent foolish mortals on Urantia (Urantia is the name of our world)from rushing into one catastrophic event/war after another. Imagine their grief having to view their beloved mortals, who they have been guarding and ministering since little boys and girls, march into battle where almost certain maiming or death will occur. Imagine as they try their best to comfort a dying ward on the battlefield but in his delirium he cannot hear their whisperings yet in his mind are streaming images of his father and mother, or wife and children who he so desperately wants to be with and be comforted by at this time of his greatest need.


Stephen Zabielski
ImageAngels are so near you and care so feelingly for you that they figuratively "weep because of your willful intolerance and stubbornness." ~ The Urantia Book, (113:5.2)

Stephen Zabielski
ImageAngels do not have material bodies, but they are definite and discrete beings; they are of spirit nature and origin. Though invisible to mortals, they perceive you as you are in the flesh without the aid of transformers or translators; they intellectually understand the mode of mortal life, and they share all of man’s nonsensuous emotions and sentiments. They appreciate and greatly enjoy your efforts in music, art, and real humor. They are fully cognizant of your moral struggles and spiritual difficulties. They love human beings, and only good can result from your efforts to understand and love them.--- 38:2.1 The Urantia Book

Stephen Zabielski
Your passport to eternal life in the One Nation above is very easy to secure. It does not cost any money, you don't have to join any organization, no secret knowledge, ritual, or handshake is required, and it is guaranteed to be accepted anywhere in heaven. This passport will not only allow you entrance into the vast starry realms above but it also secures your passage there and then beyond to Paradise. Without this passport your soul would be stranded here on Urantia incapable of traversing the trillion upon trillions of miles of empty space to the garden worlds above which await all those who possess this simple to get yet priceless passport. So are you wondering how to secure such a wonderful gift for yourself? If so then here is the way: Your glad acceptance of God as your Heavenly Father as well as your acceptance of the presence in you of his divine and perfect indwelling spirit who is ever devoted to you and your spiritual transformation. Do these two things and your entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, who Jesus so often spoke so eloquently about and the eternal life it guarantees for you, are accomplished. Also by doing this God is confident you will then grow day by day and year by year into a most beautiful and loving soul, one who will feel quite comfortable and at home when walking with the angels and others down the garden pathways of your future heavenly home on high.

Stephen Zabielski
Image113:2.5 The angels develop an abiding affection for their human associates; and you would, if you could only visualize the seraphim, develop a warm affection for them. Divested of material bodies, given spirit forms, you would be very near the angels in many attributes of personality. They share most of your emotions and experience some additional ones. The only emotion actuating you which is somewhat difficult for them to comprehend is the legacy of animal fear that bulks so large in the mental life of the average inhabitant of Urantia. The angels really find it hard to understand why you will so persistently allow your higher intellectual powers, even your religious faith, to be so dominated by fear, so thoroughly demoralized by the thoughtless panic of dread and anxiety.

Image113:2.6 All seraphim have individual names, but in the records of assignment to world service they are frequently designated by their planetary numbers. At the universe headquarters they are registered by name and number. The destiny guardian of the human subject used in this contactual communication is number 3 of group 17, of company 126, of battalion 4, of unit 384, of legion 6, of host 37, of the 182,314th seraphic army of Nebadon. The current planetary assignment number of this seraphim on Urantia and to this human subject is 3,641,852.-- The Urantia Book

Stephen Zabielski
Being an angel is truly hard work because on one hand they are superhuman and can do mighty feats to save mortals in distress, on the other hand they cannot save an endangered mortal unless receiving orders from their superiors, which must not come often based on what can be clearly ascertained by the everyday circumstances on Urantia. It must be that only those who are living lives steeped in deep faith and who God has some future plan for in this life can expect to be saved from certain death by their guardian angels, or that someone with great faith is always praying for their protection. You might be asking yourself now: Am I vigilant in my prayer life for those I love dearly?

Stephen Zabielski ...Words worth remembering...


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