My soul grows rich

Luke 9: 49 - 51 talks about a Strange Preacher, a fellow that preached the gospel without sanction of the official or original teachers i.e.: the Apostles or the Master. He was so inspired by the gospel that he took it upon himself to go out and preach the good news. When John saw this he spoke with Jesus and wanted him censured but Jesus forbade such action, declaring that 'he that is not against us, is for us.' Thus I model myself after the Strange Preacher.

I want to teach the gospel as I see it, without the constraints of tradition. However, I should make clear, I'm not personally opposed to any tradition. Strange Preacher Ministries recognises that while we all walk different religious paths we are one spiritual family and so seek to promote that sense of spiritual family by offering a forum whereby we can share the spiritual riches of our respective traditions
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My soul grows rich

Unread postby The Strange Preacher » Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:11 pm

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Sunday, 19 January 2014
By The Strange Preacher

My soul grows rich

    My soul grows rich in wonder and joy,
    The majesty and mercy of the Almighty
    Pour over my soul
    And I am washed,
    As flotsam and jetsam,
    In the torrent of his glory.
    His love, like his wisdom,
    Knows no bounds.
    He holds the universe
    in his hands
    as tenderly as a father
    holds his first born.
    He sings songs to us
    And tells us stories
    That we do not understand
    But we know
    When we cry
    He hears and responds
    in the depths of our being
    we know
    we are loved

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The Strange Preacher
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