Chopin ALea-Jesus of Urantia (1) THE MIDWAY P1 of 4

And this which your eyes now behold, this small beginning of twelve commonplace men, shall multiply and grow until eventually the whole earth shall be filled with the praise of my Father.

Chopin ALea-Jesus of Urantia (1) THE MIDWAY P1 of 4

Unread postby Paul Kemp » Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:55 pm

Jesus of Urantia (1) THE MIDWAY Creatures P1 of 4
[ flash ]

Published on Dec 24, 2012
THE MIDWAY CREATURES IN : The Primary Midwayers and The Secondary Midwayers. The midway creatures have a threefold classification : They are properly classified with the ascending Sons of God ; they are factually grouped with the orders of permanent citizenship, while they are functionally reckoned with the ministering spirits of time because of their intimate and effective association with the angelic hosts in the work of serving mortal man on the individual worlds of space. According to The Urantia Book. / Music Artist : Jacques Martel. / Album : Atma-2000-La Musique des Sphères.

Jesus of Urantia (2) THE MIDWAY Creatures P2 of 4
[ flash ]
Published on Dec 28, 2012
THE MIDWAY CREATURES IN : THE PRIMARY MIDWAYERS. Most of the inhabited worlds of Nebadon harbor one or more groups of unique beings existing on a life-functioning level about midway between those of the mortals of the realms and of the angelic orders; hence are they called midway creatures. According to The Urantia Book. / Music Artist : Jacques Martel. / Album : Atma-2000-La Musique des Sphères.

Jesus of Urantia (3) THE MIDWAY Creatures P3 of 4
[ flash ]
Published on Jan 7, 2013
THE MIDWAY CREATURES IN : '' THE SECONDARY MIDWAYERS.'' AND '' THE REBEL MIDWAYERS.'' While the primary midwayers had a well-nigh superhuman origin, the secondary order are the offspring of the pure Adamic stock united with a humanized descendant of ancestors common to the parentage of the senior corps. Among the children of Adamson there were just sixteen of the peculiar progenitors of the secondary midwayers. According to The Urantia Book. / Music Artist : Jacques Martel. / Album : Atma-2000-La Musique des Sphères.

Jesus of Urantia (4) THE MIDWAY Creatures P4 of 4
[ flash ]
Published on Jan 13, 2013
THE MIDWAY CREATURES IN : '' THE UNITED MIDWAYERS. '' AND '' THE PERMANENT CITIZENS OF URANTIA.'' At the last adjudication of this world, when Michael removed the slumbering survivors of time, the midway creatures were left behind, left to assist in the spiritual and semispiritual work on the planet. According to The Urantia Book. / Music Artist : Jacques Martel. / Album : Atma-2000-La Musique des Sphères.


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Paul Kemp
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