The Conspiracy Hypothesis*

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*Hypothesis: Something that is taken to be true for purposes of argument or investigation.

Timeline of Genuine vs. Pseudo Spiritual Communications
With special reference to the Urantia movement and intelligence agencies

A chronology of events showing the actual spiritual communications from supernals compared with their presumed “synthetic telepathy” or “artificial telepathy” counterparts as technologically created and deployed by various intelligence operations, arranged to be viewed to account for agency-era, with special reference to the Urantia movement.

AGENCY ERAS: | Pre-Synthetic Telepathy | British Air Intelligence | MKULTRA | MKULTRA/ORD | NSA |

RELATED LINKS: | The Vern Grimsley Affair | Conspiracy Overview | In-Depth Timeline: “The ‘Voice’ of Strangers” |


Pre-Synthetic Telepathy Communications

“Synthetic telepathy” -- reportedly a military non-lethal weaponry term -- is defined here as being the human, intentional, surreptitious, production of intra-cerebral “voices”, pictures, thoughts, and/or ideas by means of hypnosis, inaudible transmissions, or a combination thereof, which are experienced by an unwitting subject either directly in the mind or apparently extra-cerebrally as emanating from no known source.

c.1908-1925 -- {Urantia movement} Nocturnal channeling-like activities. Supernals speak through sleeping “contact personality” to Dr. Sadler and others, never to one person alone. Also “except for contacts with the midwayers, no two contacts were alike. Seldom did we meet the visiting personalities more than once. Every contact was entirely different from any and all that had gone before”. ( “A History of the Urantia Movement”)

c.1924-1934 -- {Urantia movement} Physical materialization of the proto-Urantia Papers: Sadler and others advised by a supernal to ask serious questions of value to all mankind. Forum told of ongoing contacts and invited to help. “During this period … upward of 300 different persons participated” by formulating questions, which the Contact Commission gathered, sorted, and presented to the supernals. In response, a group of 57 Papers materialized. They were informed that they could “now ask many and much more intelligent questions” based on those Papers. The plan of questions-to-be-followed-by-Papers continued in weekly cycles until the group of Papers was enlarged to the present number, which were then, in a similar manner, gone over for several years in order to effect the “Removal of Ambiguities”. Sadler, who undertook the study of psychiatry for this purpose, took appropriate steps to assure himself that the phenomena were in no way connected to “hypnotism, automatic writing, clairvoyance, trances, spirit mediumship, telepathy, or double personality.” (refs., ibid.)

1925 -- {Urantia movement} “From that date forward only [the] Contact Commission attended ‘contacts’ and received written communications through the contact personality … Almost all of these messages had annotation at the bottom of the last page which read: ‘To be destroyed by fire not later than the appearance of the Urantia Papers in print.’ ” (ibid.)

[NOTE: Some of these written communications were not destroyed until shortly after Emma “Christy” Christensen’s death in 1982. With others, before their destruction copies were made which were subsequently retained. Some of these copies (or copies of copies, etc.) are still extant.]

1934 -- {Urantia movement} Urantia Papers, Parts I, II, and III materialized: “The first three parts were completed and certified to us”. (ibid.)

1935 -- {Urantia movement} Urantia Paper, Part IV materialized: “The Jesus Papers were … completed one year later than the other Papers”. (ibid.)

1939-1956 -- {Urantia movement} Sadler forms a group called the “Seventy” for the systematic study of the Urantia Papers. “During this period eight written communications were given to the Seventy by the Seraphim of Progress attached to the superhuman Planetary Government of Urantia”. (ibid.)

[NOTE: The above dates do not necessarily indicate that any communications were received after the ‘on your own’ message c.1954. Obviously the supernals were aware of the beginning deployment of early synthetic telepathy (see below). And it may be reasoned that it was this human development which forced cessation of contact. Any purported communications received after c.1954-1955 are suspect!.]

1950 -- CIA’s Operation Bluebird begun. Its purpose is “the specific subject of devising scientific methods for controlling the minds of individuals”. Its operators design activities to create an “exploitable alteration of personality”. The CIA contemplates operational use of hypnosis to control a subject “to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation”.

[NOTE: British and Canadians are present at first Bluebird meeting. All three nations agree to continue investigating behavior control methods. Richard Helms and Sidney Gottlieb are on Bluebird’s staff. It will employ “advanced” techniques on twenty-five North Korean prisoners of war. It establishes liaisons with police departments and criminology labs. It contacts hypnotists, physicians, psychologists, and psychiatrists.

In 1951 Bluebird is renamed, “ARTICHOKE”. Its interests are in electro-psycho-theraputic techniques, and it reportedly began work with supersonic radiations. Among its other goals is induced amnesia. This year the CIA convinces British and Canadian Intelligence to start their own behavioral research programs.

In 1953 MKULTRA is begun officially with Gottlieb as its director, and the next year it absorbs Bluebird/ARTICHOKE.]

British Air Intelligence Begins Religious “Voice” Mind-Control

c.1952-1953 -- Eileen Caddy first hears “voice of God” (see 1965).

1953 -- Gottlieb plants at least one “very specialized observer” at seances, seeking a “broad surveillance of all individuals attending meetings”. He also funds Harold Abrahamson’s study of disturbance of memory, suggestibility, creation of dependence.

1954 (alternatively given as 1952 and 1955) -- {Urantia movement} Contact Commission receives last materialized, hard-copy “mandate” or “instruction” telling the humans that they would from that date onwards be on their own, which has usually been taken to mean that there would be no further overt direct guidance by the supernal Revelatory Commission. It also included permission to publish.

MKULTRA In Urantia Movement

1958 -- {Urantia movement} Al “Cappy” Hubbard contacts Meredith Sprunger for information about The URANTIA Book. Hubbard is known to have had earlier OSS and then- current CIA connections. He was reputedly the LSD supplier for MKULTRA among other things. (See letter at,

1958 -- Future A Course in Miracles (ACIM) channeler, Helen Schucman, goes to work for William Thetford in the Psychology Department at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. In seven years she will begin to have visions and hear an intra-cerebral voice. Dr. Herbert Spiegel will then be a member of that department, teaching hypnotism. He became an expert brainwasher after investigating returned American Korean War POWs for the Army circa 1952.

MKULTRA/ORD* In Urantia Movement

Early 1960s -- ORD (the CIA’s Office of research and Development) takes over most of MKULTRA’s mind control research. It calls its behavior field, “life sciences”, and hires medical and behavioral researchers.

[*NOTE: I have seen no evidence to support the idea that ORD’s programs included the use of synthetic telepathy on religionists, not at least before the exposure of MKULTRA in the media. I include it here for its chronological relationship. However it was apparently ORD -- not MKULTRA -- which undertook the investigation of occult powers to learn if and how they could be harnessed for America’s intelligence/security needs. If the theory is true that Caligastia (The URANTIA Book’s name for the devil) is behind the Teaching Mission and the Vern Grimsley Affair (see link near page top), and that a Satanic cult exists within the CIA -- as some others maintain -- then in all likelihood ORD’s investigations represent the doorway by which he entered:
“Caligastia … is still free on Urantia [“earth”] to prosecute his nefarious designs, but he has absolutely no power to enter the minds of men, neither can he draw near their souls to tempt or corrupt them unless they really desire to be cursed with his wicked presence” (610 A, 53:8:6).
One cannot help but surmise that Caligastia would welcome the opportunity to trade the product of his intelligence- gathering abilities with technologically inclined minions who could provide a means around the restriction upon his mental activities … at least until he had thoroughly corrupted those same minions to the point where trade is no longer necessary.]

c.1960-1962 -- {Urantia movement} Vern Grimsley’s “missing year” while working for Bert Kaplan, Psychology Professor at the University of Kansas, as an undergraduate research assistant on a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) grant.

[NOTE: The problem is that Kaplan’s version of Vern’s employment reportedly differs sharply from what Vern later told his friends and from autobiographical material which he used in his speeches and elsewhere. Grimsley appears to have believed that he worked for two years, not the single one which Kaplan reported. Vern gives an account of a second year he spent in Washington, D.C. managing a Kaplan-overseen grant from the National Science Foundation. However NSF apparently had no record of such a grant, and Kaplan as well denies that there was one.

Surrounding events suggest, though there are no known facts to confirm it, that Vern may have been programmed by MKULTRA and given a hypnotically-induced cover memory at this time. NMIH did both fund and provide fronts for MKULTRA projects around this time. The University of Kansas Psychology Department shows up on a list of “CIA Proprietaries, CIA Infiltrated or Influenced Organizations, and CIA Contractors” (scroll down to alphabetical listing). The University of Kansas Medical School is perhaps the only non-governmental institution to host a symposium on the acoustic psycho-correction technology proposed to be used on David Koresh to project a believable “voice of God” into his head (see, 1994).(See also, 1971)]

1965 -- Helen Schucman has first waking dreams and visions, hears “voice of Jesus”. She begins channeling A Course in Miracles (ACIM). In all likelihood unwittingly, Schucman has gotten herself involved with a hypnotist brainwasher and more than one colleague with direct MKULTRA ties (see, “Lie Down With Dogs, Get Up With Fleas”).

-- Sir George Trevelyan, in England, gathers together “all of the [British] New Age groups under one roof for the first time,” with Air Martial Sir Victor Goddard, former chief of British Air Intelligence, in attendance. Peter Caddy (ex-Royal Air Force), who was uninvited, “gate crashes” this event to announce the beginning of Findhorn. Following Eileen’s intra-cerebral voice he and Eileen (the ex-wife of Peter’s RAF Base Commander, who himself was a member of CIA-corrupted Moral Rearmament) had located their community-to-be adjacent to Kingloss Royal Air Force Base in Scotland.

-- {Urantia movement} Future URANTIA Brotherhood Legal Advisor and important Teaching Mission channeling supporter, Duane Faw, and his combat-ready U.S. Marine assault landing force are prepared if called upon by the CIA to go ashore to seize, hold, and quite likely run the Dominican Republic’s government. The situation, however, developed in such a way that they were not needed for the island nation’s takeover. Faw admitted to me that he was briefed aboard ship by a civilian whom he believed was a CIA officer, and whose orders he was ready to follow. Such willing followers as Faw are considered by the CIA to be “assets”. If needed, assets will be called upon to perform in the future.

1971 -- {Urantia movement} Member Harry McMullan sets up contact between Vern Grimsley’ Family of God Foundation (FOG) and Radio Free Europe, a “proprietary arm of the CIA”. Almost immediately following this event Vern makes a visit to Bert Kaplan, who was by then teaching in California, where FOG was located -- the nature of this visit is undisclosed. If Vern had been programmed as a “sleeper” (see c.1960-1962) he may have needed reactivating. In any event, RFE will vector Vern’s radio mission to the Armed Forces Radio Network, and they will carry parts of his religious broadcasts on its many hundreds of military outlets. This support gave Vern widespread exposure to service personnel who would return home and listen to his regular broadcasts, soon being heard in all 50 states.

-- {Urantia movement} General Duane Faw retires from the Marine Corps

-- {Urantia movement} Original printing plates for The URANTIA Book are destroyed by URANTIA Foundation after the second printing. This deleted a benchmark for future Urantia Book scholars.

-- Eileen Caddy’s “voice of God” ceases to be heard.

1971 - 1978 -- ACIM’s William Thetford (with Helen Schucman’s co-author, David Saunders) secretly contracts work for CIA’s MKULTRA ( Subproject 130, Personality Theory, David Saunders/William Thetford; Columbia Univ.)

[NOTE: The 1978 date seems to be an anachronism (see below). It was taken from an ACIM webpage displaying Thetford’s professional vita. There is no doubt, however, about the existence of Thetford’s MKULTRA Subproject. And it is the fact that it actually began during the channeling of ACIM which makes it a “smoking gun”. It is unimportant whether or not it crashed and burned with MKULTRA.]

1972 -- ACIM channeling is complete.

NSA (and ORD?) In Urantia Movement

1973 -- Gottlieb and Helms order the destruction of MKULTRA files (although several boxes of financial records are overlooked. These are later released to author John Marks and others under the Freedom of Information Act, and provided much of the material upon which Marks’ book is based: The Search for a Manchurian Candidate. Marks, however, was more focused upon the drug aspects than on synthetic telepathy.)

1974 -- New York Times publishes an article exposing MKULTRA. Other newspapers worldwide follow.

-- {Urantia movement} Neal Waldrop -- who had been employed and trained by the NSA in 1969 and 1970 immediately following his graduation from Yale -- becomes a reader of The URANTIA Book. He begins his step-by-step rise to URANTIA Foundation Trusteeship. His last step upwards will be on the figuratively severed head of Vern Grimsley, who was just about at this time and into the 1980s perhaps the most well-known, well-beloved Urantia movement leader, whose “livelong goal [was] to effect a spiritual renaissance on the planet”, and whose URANTIA Book teaching-based radio program by the very next year would be being heard in all 50 states and in a number of foreign countries.

-- {Urantia movement} USMC Brigadier General (Ret.) and Pepperdine University Law Professor, Duane Faw, makes his initial contact with the URANTIA Foundation. He will associate himself with Vern Grimsley’s cult-like organization, the Family of God Foundation (FOG), and shortly be given the position of Chairman of the URANTIA Brotherhood’s Legal Committee. Faw will become the chief “inner circle” supporter of Teaching Mission channeling and “stillness practice”, both of which appear to be contra-indicated in The URANTIA Book! (See, 1099 D, 100:5:8 through 11)

-- {Urantia movement} Paul Snider, for the URANTIA Brotherhood and as its President, signs the Foundation’s “Confirmatory Agreement”, essentially a lie which denied that the registered trademark “Urantia” had been in general use up to that time, ceding all rights to it (and to the three azure concentric circles) to the Foundation. The Foundation later used this to “disenfranchise” the Brotherhood in 1989. Without this agreement it would have had no grounds to do so.

[NOTE: This “Confirmatory Agreement” was both legally dangerous and dishonest according to several Urantia Brotherhood Societies refused to become signatories to it, so “Licensing Agreement” governing each Society’s use was then drawn up and signed by each of them.

The Brotherhood’s General Council reported to its membership in 1989 -- just a month and a half before the Foundation formally terminated the “Confirmatory Licensing Agreement” and evicted the Brotherhood from their shared office space -- that in retrospect there were four “perhaps unintended” (my emphasis) effects to the 1974 signing:

  1. “It partially defeated the initial founding effort to separate the work into two automous orgizational entities”.
  2. “It caused the URANTIA Foundation to believe it had veto power over Brotherhood activities”.

  3. It “seemed intended to sever the inherent organizational integrity of URANTIA Brotherhood”.

  4. “It set up an almost inevitable conflict between” the official, organizational use of the name “Urantia” and its “also valid use” as a symbol with spiritual meaning by readers of The URANTIA Book (“Report to the Members of URANTIA Brotherhood”, Sept. 16-17, 1989).

The split between the two Urantia movement organizations can be seen as having its roots and beginning in this document.]

1975 -- Church Committee Senate Hearings on MKULTRA begun. MKULTRA Director, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb testifies that it was the program’s purpose “to investigate whether and how it was possible to modify an individual’s behavior by covert means”.

[NOTE: Gottlieb retired in disgrace. MKULTRA was likely no longer viable after this point. It is altogether possible that ORD and NSA, with separate but non-conflicting goals, worked together in collusion for the manipulation of the Urantia movement. It might be pointed out in this context that the NSA and CIA have publicly admitted that they did team up in a secret decades-long investigation of the remote viewing phenomenon.]

1977 -- John Marks will make a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for ORD files on “behavior research related to bio-electrics, electric or radio stimulation of the brain, electronic destruction of memory, stereotoxic surgery, psychosurgery, hypnotism, parapsychology, radiation, microwaves, and ultrasonics”. The CIA reports back as having 130 cubic feet of material expected to contain pertinent documents. Unfortunately Marks could not afford the expense of obtaining them.

1978 -- Jonestown “massacre”; this is coupled with Congressman Leo Ryan’s assassination by some of Jones’ followers. His then-ongoing investigation of “CIA cults” ceased with Ryan’s death and was never to be resumed by others. I have not been able to dig out his findings. The website dedicated to him provides almost no pertinent information.

1978 -- {Urantia movement} Secret journals purportedly prepared by Dr. Sadler and kept in a locked file cabinet until this year unexplainedly disappeared, as Urantia movement member Barbara Newsom was prepared to testify under oath. [ ref. TENTH CIRCUIT MICHAEL FOUNDATION, INC., a foreign corporation, Plaintiff - Appellee, v. URANTIA FOUNDATION, an Illinois Charitable Trust, Defendant - Third-Party Plaintiff - Appellant, v. HARRY MCMULLAN, III, Third-Party Defendant - Appellee: No. 01-6347 and 01-6348 (D. Ct. No. CIV-00-885-W) (W.D. Okla.):ORDER AND JUDGMENT; II.4B.¶2 ]

1979-1989 -- Soviet Union war in Afghanistan. Acoustic psycho-correction technology deployed by Soviets. U.S. trains and supports Osama bin Laden, who opposed Soviets: Possibility of technology capture by Osama and CIA. Also possibility of reverse-engineering if technology known but not captured.

1980 -- {Urantia movement} De facto Urantia movement head, the last living former “contact commission” member, Emma “Christy” Christensen, hears “voice of supernals”. No earlier “audible” messages have been discovered, although “Christy” gave people the impression that she was in contact with supernals. She had several years previously assured Vern Grimsley that he was a “Reservist”. Vern later assumed “voices” had told it to her, but intuition, spiritual insight, and/or even imagination should not be ruled out -- it has also been suggested that this represented a management technique she inherited from Dr. Sadler (no convincing evidence for such a presumption has been offered, however).

c.1982 -- {Urantia movement} Neal Waldrop (by this time a Foreign Service Officer for the U.S. State Department) reportedly tells a Urantia Book reader that some unnamed US intelligence/security agency had once been involved in the Urantia movement but no longer was by then. If Waldrop was working undercover for NSA he could hardly be expected to admit it to this reader. Evidence suggests that he was referring to the CIA, or perhaps specifically to MKULTRA.

1982-1983 -- {Urantia movement} Vern Grimsley hears “voices of supernals”. Reports having over 100 “contacts” during which he is told that FOG headquarters is to be “protected” during soon-to-come nuclear holocaust (WWIII). It is fortified and arms are stockpiled. Presumably uninvited readers and others might seek shelter with FOG: Vern’s “voices” okay killing them if necessary. General Faw, previously a combat-tested WWII veteran and Marine amphibious assult landing force commander, is consulted concerning military defense, including “fields of fire”. Vern presumably overlooked the fact that his headquarters was closely surrounded by likely military and weapons-research targets. Another fact went right by him -- that after the destruction he would continue broadcasting the “light of truth” to the post-holocaust world from Mt. Diablo (Devil Mountain), where his transmitter tower was located!

[NOTE: A number of Vern’s “contacts” were made “on the roof of 1849 Arch Street” presumably offering a broad horizon for line-of-sight transmissions. Grimsley’s communications were interactive, virtually conversational, at this time but that does not completely rule out post-hypnotic suggestion as a possible alternative synthetic telepathy technique. Other of his “contacts” did not offer such obvious access. At least one took place in a hotel bathtub (a possible vector could have been ELF wave transmissions through the plumbing or have relied on a hidden transmitter -- Vern’s travel plans were not secret).

One FOG member stated that Vern would emerge from “contact” sessions “in a very tired and worn state” which could have been an expected result of microwave exposure. Unlike Sadler, Grimsley’s only tests were to assure himself that he was understanding the content of the messages and to check up on such things as the technological information which he was given (e.g., tube-type radios’ resistance to EMP) in order to assure himself that it was factual.

Vern’s “voices” differed from most synthetic telepathy in that they were subjectively experienced outside, not inside his head. Again, post-hypnotic suggestion could account for this. It would have relied on a mechanism observable in schizophrenics, who often hear self-generated voices as apparently emanating from outside. Obviously Vern’s handlers desired his Urantia movement leadership degradation from the beginning. His fall was their goal, both to provide a steppingstone for Waldrop and to eliminate his major competition. So while the “voices” were designed to be believable, they were at the same time made to appear to be aberrant behavior. There are, needless to say, many questions about the nature of these “contacts” which still need answering.

My conclusions are far from having been proven beyond reasonable doubt. But I believe my logic is sound, and my explanation includes many pertinent facts which are otherwise, usually ignored. It takes in the broader picture, and it also fits with methods known to be used by intelligence/security agencies! Nowhere does it rely on “fanciful explanations that require considerable leaps of assumption beyond the known facts” (Law of Parsimony).]

c.1983 -- {Urantia movement} “Voices of supernals” heard at 533 Diversey Parkway, Foundation/Brotherhood headquarters. A part-time office worker there reports having heard “voices” in her head (actually while at home). They direct her into performing certain undisclosed activities which she describes as being seemingly mundane, but which she maintains nevertheless were purported to her as being necessary to help ward off the nuclear holocaust (WW III). She moves to a faraway state at their behest. (More)

1985 --Proto-Teaching Mission channeling group forms in New Zealand (see 1989).

1989 -- {Urantia movement} Three URANTIA Foundation trustees and several staff members resign citing difficulties with Martin Myers. Not only was Myers leading the anti-Vern faction -- pushing opposition to Grimsley for all it was worth -- but he was possibly himself hearing the “voices of midwayers”.

[NOTE: In 1990, then-recently-resigned, former URANTIA Foundation Trustee Helena Sprague wrote that “Martin [Myers] has been heard, with several present, to bestow approval of the midwayers on one individual and to tell another, ‘The midwayers are not pleased with you … you are in league with Lucifer.’ ” This leaves one with the distinct impression that Myers also may have heard “voices” and believed himself to have been in direct contact with purported celestials. Obviously he might have let it slip, but considering his position vis a vis Vern Grimsley’s “voices” he would not have actually claimed this if true, however Myers may have confided in someone!

It would considerably aid this effort of ferreting out the truth if otherwise sincere people would be forthcoming about these things! There has been far too much cover-up in the Urantia movement, and it only aids its enemies. While protecting the Urantia movement may be a noble motive, Jesus in opposition to such unworthy devices said:

“Courage is the confidence of thorogoing honesty about those things which one professes to believe. Sincere men are unafraid of the critical examination of their true convictions and noble ideals” (1641 C, 146:3:2)

“I declare to you that there is nothing covered up that is not going to be revealed; there is nothing hidden that shall not be known” (1681 D, 150:4:2).]

-- {Urantia movement} Neal Waldrop is elected URANTIA Foundation Trustee.

-- {Urantia movement} Martin Myers quits his upper managerial bank job and assumes full-time URANTIA Foundation Executive Directorship.

-- {Urantia movement} URANTIA Foundation Trustees formally disenfranchise the URANTIA Brotherhood and evict it from their shared headquarters at 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago.

-- {Urantia movement} Teaching Mission begun in previously existing New Zealand channeling group (see 1985).

1991 -- {Urantia movement} A URANTIA Book study group member in Woods Cross, Utah hears “voice of purported celestial”, and goes on to begin the first U.S. Teaching Mission channeling group. Only afterwards is she made aware of the New Zealand people. They are surprised that both are getting the same information. Not suspecting treachery they accept this as comprising the credentials of genuine celestial contact, thus reinforcing their shared beliefs.

[NOTE: After this the Teaching Mission was spread through the Urantia movement by word-of mouth and through web email lists and forums. In the beginning, if a study group wanted its own purported celestial to channel, a member had to telephone the Woods Cross group and have one requested by its channeler. Since the time that broadscale NSA snooping in electronic communications became a fact (its New Zealand facility is dedicated to that function) the phone call is no longer necessary. It might be pointed out that not everyone who wants a “teacher” -- and they come in both group and personal models -- gets one. And they may come unbidden (in spite of their protestations otherwise). The Woods Cross channeler thought some friend was playing a joke on her when she first heard them speaking to her.]

c. 1991-1992 -- {Urantia movement} An early version of URANTIAGATE “conspiracy factor” information is sent to all of the Foundation Trustees and other movement leaders.

[NOTE: While I would dearly like to be able to take credit for the following changes, no direct cause/effect relationship has yet been established to my knowledge. The Trustees are traditionally closed-mouth about the reasons for their activities. There has never been a time when the Foundation did not engage in secrecy and cover-up.]

1992 -- {Urantia movement} Martin Myers is dismissed as a URANTIA Foundation Trustee. He will be successfully sued to relinquish his position as Executive Director.

-- {Urantia movement} Neal Waldrop resigns as Trustee, and is reportedly transferred by the U.S. State Department to Australia and New Zealand (where the Teaching Mission began and where the large NSA/GCSB (New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau) ESCHELON facility is located).

1993 -- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) shootout is followed by an FBI standoff in Waco. David Koresh killed during subsequent FBI hostage rescue team attack on Branch Davidian headquarters. 82 of his followers, including children, dead. Autopsies revealed that a number of the adult male victims did not die by flames but were executed with twin fatal gunshot wounds in their heads which had been administered by a person or persons unknown during the fire. The FBI hostage rescue teams cross-train with Navy Seals, who are known to use an assassination method utilizing two shots to the head, which they call “double popping”. Koresh had been following the “voice of God” for years.

1994 -- Mind control technology (acoustic psycho-correction -- see, 1979-1989) capable of producing intra-cerebral “voices” surfaces in the media. A Newsweek article (Feb. 7, 1994) says:

“The FBI consulted Moscow experts on the possible use of a Soviet technique for beaming subliminal messages to Koresh. The technique uses inaudible transmissions that could have convinced Koresh he was hearing the voice of God inside his head.”
Of course Koresh was already hearing “the voice of God inside his head”, a fact which was not among those reasons given by the FBI for refusing the Russian offer for the use of their acoustic psycho-correction technology -- a fact which has been ignored, downplayed, and shuffled aside for nearly a decade -- a fact which might have revealed the long-term use of synthetic telepathy by the intelligence/security community on religionists.

The wise and effective solution of any problem demands that the mind shall be free from bias, pasion, and all other purely personal prejudices which might interfere with a disinterested survey of the actual factors that go to make up the problem presenting itself for solution. The solution of life problems requires courage and sincerity. Only honest and brave individuals are able to follow valiantly through the perplexing and confusing maze of living to where the logic of a fearless mind may lead. (1773 D, 160:1:8)


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